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Atreu Eight Fifty

My own Neverending Story

Born in 1985 in Fort Walton Beach Florida Christopher Atreu Salgado has always found comfort in the sounds of music particularly hip hop and this comfort turned into a love and appreciation for not only the music but the culture as a whole. So much in fact I joined this with my love for writing and put the two together to make a wonderful partnership of clever insightful wordplay and nostalgic 90’s era vibes. I utilized this as my creative outlet to cope with being a misunderstood youth trying to find my way. The moment everything changed was when I joined the hip hop group MXP based out of Atlanta Georgia where I began to hone my craft and released a debut self-titled album and various freestyles that lead to a debut solo album and becoming signed to UAAMUSIC.  After several meeting photo shoots and a showcase style debut performance of signed artists UAAMUSIC disbanded and through frustration I took a brief hiatus from music to focus of self-discovery and personal development. My Comeback album The Never-ending Story Ch.3 The Epilogue was what brought me back to hip hop as it rejuvenated my artistic flow and brought me back to keep the dream alive of expressing my lyrical abilities and eccentric beat selection. My main influences are from all styles and coast of hip hop ranging from down south to boom bap and this versatility is evident in the different producers I have worked with on my various projects. Currently I am signed to Paradigm 850 out of Panama City Florida and am managed by DJ-TBOO where I continue to build my brand of hip hop and contribute to the 850 hip hop scene  

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